Specialized Medical units
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assisted Reproduction
At FIV Valencia, our Specialised Medical Units allow us to delve deeply into every aspect of fertility, ensuring that we apply the latest medical and scientific advancements. Thanks to continuous research and a personalised approach, we offer Assisted Reproduction treatments tailored to each patient’s needs, always using the most advanced technology.
We invite you to discover more about each of our areas of expertise and how we strive to stay at the forefront of Assisted Reproduction.
High Complexity Unit

At FIV Valencia, if you have previously undergone fertility treatments that resulted in implantation failures, pregnancy losses, or other challenges preventing pregnancy, we offer an Individualised Diagnostic Study and the expertise of our High Complexity Unit. Our clinic specialises in complex infertility cases, with the High Complexity Unit led by Dr. Miguel Dolz, an experienced gynaecologist in Assisted Reproduction with over 25 years of experience. His team provides clarity in the most challenging infertility cases by methodically analysing all factors contributing to implantation failure and recurrent miscarriages to choose the most appropriate Assisted Reproduction treatment.
After an initial consultation (in-person or via videoconference) and a review of your medical and reproductive history and previous treatments, we will carry out specific tests and analyses that will help us establish the most effective therapeutic strategy to achieve a pregnancy, aiming for the birth of a healthy baby.
Implantation failure or recurrent miscarriages are best approached by focusing on two major areas:
Embryonic Compartment
Uterine Compartment
The uterus is examined as a possible cause of implantation failure and pregnancy loss.
We consider two key aspects:
Uterine Architecture or Uterine Receptivity: This includes 2D and 3D ultrasound assessments to evaluate the uterus and rule out factors like dysmorphic uteri, uterine malformations, fibroids, endometrial polyps, or adenomyosis.
Functional or Molecular Endometrial Study: This involves in-depth analysis of the endometrium on a functional and molecular level, including:
- Blood coagulation study (thrombophilias)
- Immune system analysis (expansion of Natural Killer cells, KIR haplotypes)
- Identification of potential systemic diseases that may negatively affect implantation and disrupt the endometrial-embryo interaction (e.g., autoimmune hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases)
- Screening for infectious issues (chronic endometritis and endometrial dysbiosis)
- Assessment of the implantation window using the Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA Test)
Steps for Fertility Treatment at FIV Valencia in High-Complexity Cases
1. Submission of all prior documentation (analyses, tests, and treatments) to FIV Valencia.
2. In-person consultation or video consultation following the evaluation of medical history and previous tests.
3. Performance of the studies and tests outlined in the diagnostic model (FRI/AR Study).
4. Analysis of results and creation of a personalised treatment plan.
Contact Us
The FIV Valencia team is here to support you on your journey to having your baby. Contact us today!